Land of setting sun

Land of setting sun

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The earliest boundary's to be seen on Luing are
 earth banks. As there is no visible ditch adjacent,
the probability is that these were formed in
 the process of field clearance,whereby the
 surface of an area was cleared of sod and
the sod was used to form a bank.
This left an area of bare soil
ready to be cultivated.(my theory).

There are several examples of this style of walling
 technique to be seen on Luing. This technique
 has an Irish influence.
Sea worn slate.
 Local beaches provided a ready source of material
 to build this style of wall.
 Very few examples remain on Luing

A modern day repair of the sea worn slate wall above.
The importance of style is not a priority.

 Iron fencing became popular with the onset of
the Bessemer process, which was the first
 inexpensive industrial process for the mass
production of steel from molten pig iron
and also the development of  rust-resistant
 wire in 19th century.
This type of fencing did not lend itself to
barbed wire, as wire had to pass through
 the hole in the bars.  

View of tecnique used in construction of what is presently
 called Cullipool pier. This was originally Bardrishaig pier.

An example of the use of sea worn capping stone on an old wall.

The tradition goes on.
A new wall at Ben More, Cullipool By Paul Barret.

Mystery wall. this small feature is built into a bank in a copse.
It forms no part of any other structure.